10 Tips to Help You Market a New Service in Your Women’s Health Practice

Whether you're introducing a new therapy, diagnostic tool, or elective procedure, these 10 tips will help you reach the right women in your patient base.

Before getting started, make sure you reach out to the manufacturer of the product you are introducing. Often manufacturers have comprehensive onboarding programs that will walk you through the process. If you need support for SoLá Pelvic Therapy, contact us today!

  1. Assign a Champion
    Before you begin your tactical marketing plan you’ll want to assign a champion. The role of the champion is to keep the marketing plan on track.

    If the clinical team needs training or support the champion is responsible for working with the internal team and/or the manufacturer to facilitate additional team training.

    The champion does not have to do all the tactical marketing work, but they do need to organize the team responsible and make sure milestones are met.

    The champion can also track key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of your new service implementation. These KPIs may include:

    • Patient enrollment

    • Patient satisfaction

    • Revenue generated from the new service

    • Profitability of the new service

  2. Add a Services Page to Your Website
    Before promoting your new service, create a page on your website that outlines the details of your new service. This page is the destination linked to your emails and social media posts. Ensure the service page has a call to action (CTA) to book an appointment with your phone number or online booking link.

    Many manufacturers will provide you with website copy and graphics for your service page. Make sure the page includes a skimmable bullet list of service benefits, and an explanatory video if possible.

    You can also add a banner to your homepage during the introductory period that directs people to the new service page to learn more. Pop-ups can also draw attention to your new service during the initial introduction.

  3. Promote Your New Service to Your Database
    The easiest way to generate awareness about your new service is to email your existing patient database. Make sure you include a link to the service page to learn more and a call to action to book an appointment. 

    Continue to include content about your new service in your monthly newsletters to generate positive momentum. As you generate patient testimonials, create stand-alone emails to highlight them.

    If your website has a blog, consider adding patient stories to keep your content fresh and to provide new destinations for direct email and social media traffic.

  4. Activate Your Referral Network
    Send a referral letter to clinicians in your referral network–or to new doctors that you want to be in your referral network.

  5. Get Social!
    Social media is a great way to drive awareness about your new service. Because social media is an increasingly “pay to play” space, you should consider augmenting your organic posts with paid social media ads.

    Create two ads–one to drive traffic to your website and market your new service and a second to website visitors and social engagers with an appointment booking call to action.

    Everytime you create a new patient testimonial you should post it on your social channels to keep the buzz going.

  6. Office Signage
    Educate patients while they are in exam and waiting rooms with posters, videos on monitors, and printed brochures. Make sure your office signage contains QR codes that link to your service page on your website to provide patients with more detailed information.

  7. Adapt Internal Workflows to Include Your New Service
    Analyze your patient workflows to determine how you can integrate your new service. For example, perhaps you can add a question to your intake process to determine if your new service might be a fit. You can also adapt consultations and talk tracks to introduce your new service.
    Often, workflow modifications take trial and error so keep adapting until you find the right formula for you.

  8. Host an Open House
    Open houses are a great way to both educate and enroll patients in your new service. Get creative with your open house to engage attendees. Drawings for gift cards and prizes are a popular way to incentivize participation. You’ll want to begin marketing your open house about 6 weeks in advance. Use social media, email, and direct mail to engage your patients and referral network.

    At the open house you can include presentations or demonstrations depending on the nature of your new service.

  9. Collect and Share Patient Testimonials
    Collect both written and video patient testimonials to use for marketing materials. Make sure you get written consent from the patient before distributing their testimonial. If patients are reluctant to talk on camera you can request a written testimonial that only includes their first name.

    Pull out key quotes from those testimonials to use as graphics for social media. Embed strong video testimonials on your service page on your website.

  10. Host an Educational Webinar
    Webinars are a low-pressure way to provide patient education. These should be approximately 15-30 minutes in length. Make sure you record your webinar so you can use it as a long-term patient education tool.

Ready to add a new service?

Learn more about how SoLá Pelvic Therapy can offer relief to those suffering from chronic pelvic pain.


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